Jumat, 02 Maret 2012


For those that don't have the time to view the entire press conference, the following videos will show the evidence. Each of these are just a few minutes in duration:

Selective Service

The following is a list of short descriptions of major points covered. TPATH provides this for those too busy working to pay for #Obama's next "Green Energy" hand out.
1. Indicated the birth documents as well as the Selective Service document are computer generated forgeries and represent felonies.

2. The head investigator requested that Arpaio elevate the case to a "criminal probe".

3. They have located a "person of interest" as the forger and they indicated they even know what computer was used and where it was located.

4. They stated that it appears the Hawaii Department of Health has engaged in a systematic cover up and attempts to hide Obama's 1961 birth documents.

5. Arpaio believes a Congressional investigation might be warranted and requested that any law enforcement agency forward  relevant information they may have, to his office.

6. The forger embedded and used "Official Government Seals" in the documents. This is a felony.

7. They stated the investigation will continue and will find out if the White House or  officials in Hawaii  authorized the forgery.

8. They revealed that the short form or "live birth" certificate issued by the state of Hawaii is not an official document and can not be used as proof of anything.  Children as old as 3 years old have received this type of document. 

9. No evidence has been found that Obama or his mother ever were admitted to any hospital in Hawaii.  They will request the hospital Obama claims to have been born in, turn over any documents they may have.

10. In an effort to see when Obama's mother left the country and when she returned, the posse requested and received passenger manifests.  The data for the period of time they needed to check out had been deleted.  This is another area that needs investigating.

11. The Sheriff indicated that the investigation will continue and they will request that the Attorneys General office in Hawaii begin their own investigation into Obama's documentation.

12. They called on the President to order the state of Hawaii to release micro film and other birth documents as well as a record of anyone who has had contact with the documents to ensure they exist and have not been tampered with.

13. Arpaio stated the investigation is ongoing and will continue not only here in the States but will extend to a foreign country.

14. Also, relevant to and as a result of the investigation, the Cold Case Posse reported that they are in contact with an individual who has agreed to swear under oath that he was at a gathering where both Bill Ayers and Obama were and that Obama stated he was a "foreign student" and that Bill Ayers was helping him financially.

Bill Ayers, as you may recall, is the terrorist who Obama claimed during his campaign, was someone he hardly knew.  How many people that you "hardly know" paid for your college?

One other point of interest concerning Bill Ayers, it has been reported and he has admitted that he and his terrorist group were proficient at obtaining and using fraudulent Social Security numbers.  How very convenient, wouldn't you say?

For more details and information please refer to the documents and videos referenced above.

Please visit this great site regularly: TPATH

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