Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Uncovers “Systematic Effort To Obscure The Truth”

Sheriff+Joe+Arpaio6422 300x204 Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse uncovers “Systematic effort to obscure the truth”
Since first announcing the formation of a “cold case posse” to investigate the legitimacy of Barack Hussein Obama’s claim to Constitutional occupation of the White House,Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been at once the object of  legacy media smears and new media encouragement. And although the information gathered in the 6 month effort will probably not change the minds of many dedicated Obamabots,it has provided stark and irrefutable evidence that “person or persons unknown” worked long and hard in a systematic effort to obscure the truth about Barack Obama’s birth,heritage,and qualifications to serve as President of the United States.
Consisting of law enforcement officials and attorneys with law enforcement experience,Joe Arpaio’s Posse has turned up the following information:
1.) the purported “long form birth certificate” published on the White House website last year is a computer generated forgery consisting of at least 9 layers of selected information and photo shopped into one “document.” It is NOT a scan or copy of a single,genuine document. A portion of the evidence supporting this claim includes the fact that name and date stamps of the Hawaii Department of Health Registrar were “computer generated images imported into an electronic document,as opposed to actual rubber stamp imprints inked by hand or machine onto a paper document.”
Mike Zullo,retired New Jersey police detective and lead Posse investigator,says the team believes “…the Hawaii Department of Health has engaged in a systematic effort to hide from public inspection any original 1961 birth records it may have in its possession.”
2.) The date stamp used on Obama’s Selective Service Card was not one used at the time (1980). Obama’s card shows a #2 (2 digit) pica stamp,but all others used by the post office at which he turned in his card were stamped with a #4 (4 digit).
3.) Perhaps the most interesting finding of the team and arguably one of the most damning concerned records of airline flights to the United States in 1961,the year in which Obama was born. As the file distributed at the press conference states:
“Records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961,examined at the National Archives in Washington,D.C.,are missing records for the week of President Obama’s birth,including the dates Aug. 1,1961 through Aug. 7,1961.”
As Zullo stated,thousands of records on microfilm were turned over for use by the Cold Case Posse,yet only those during the week of Obama’s birth went somehow missing! A truly remarkable coincidence.
Sheriff Arpaio made it clear that he was not accusing Barack Obama of any crime,but considers it imperative that the What,Who,When and Why of the fraudulent documents be discovered and that the guilty parties brought to justice.



communist obama marxist socialist maoist progressive


"Probable Cause" of Fraud and Forgery
KEY FINDINGS: Obama's LFBC is an Electronic Fraud -- Obama's Selective Service Registration Card is a Fraud -- A Forgery Person-of-Interest has been Identified -- The Computer that Uploaded the Fake LFBC is Known -- A Gov't Employee Said He was Introduced to Obama as a Foreign Student by Communist Bomber Bill Ayers' Mom -- Lots of Sworn Testimony -- NO SINGLE DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE THAT PROVES OBAMA WAS BORN IN USA -- FULL BLOWN INVESTIGTION IS NEEDED BECAUSE FRAUD HAS BEEN COMMITTED
SO... THERE'S A FELON COMMUNIST USURPER IN THE WHITE HOUSE... How Much Longer Now Can the Media Continue to Pretend Obama Isn't a Criminal Imposter?

Fox News (Web)
Fox News TV - Silence
NBC - Silence
CBS - Silence
NYT - Silence
Why No Coverage? Because Revealing Obama's Identity Will Take Down the Democratic Party Traitors, the Complicit Republican Party Traitors and the US Media Traitors. Therefore, Standby for Massive Press Slander of Our Cold Case Posse National Heroes. CITIZENS MUST DEMAND A FULL INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION BY INDIVIDUALS LIKE INCORRUPTIBLE SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO AND USE THIS INFORMATION TO PREVENT OBAMA FROM BEING ON ELECTION BALLOTS
communist obama marxist socialist maoist progressive



Dr. Jerome Corsi, Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Andrew Breitbart's Final Interview May Have Been with Joe Arpaio


For those that don't have the time to view the entire press conference, the following videos will show the evidence. Each of these are just a few minutes in duration:

Selective Service

The following is a list of short descriptions of major points covered. TPATH provides this for those too busy working to pay for #Obama's next "Green Energy" hand out.
1. Indicated the birth documents as well as the Selective Service document are computer generated forgeries and represent felonies.

2. The head investigator requested that Arpaio elevate the case to a "criminal probe".

3. They have located a "person of interest" as the forger and they indicated they even know what computer was used and where it was located.

4. They stated that it appears the Hawaii Department of Health has engaged in a systematic cover up and attempts to hide Obama's 1961 birth documents.

5. Arpaio believes a Congressional investigation might be warranted and requested that any law enforcement agency forward  relevant information they may have, to his office.

6. The forger embedded and used "Official Government Seals" in the documents. This is a felony.

7. They stated the investigation will continue and will find out if the White House or  officials in Hawaii  authorized the forgery.

8. They revealed that the short form or "live birth" certificate issued by the state of Hawaii is not an official document and can not be used as proof of anything.  Children as old as 3 years old have received this type of document. 

9. No evidence has been found that Obama or his mother ever were admitted to any hospital in Hawaii.  They will request the hospital Obama claims to have been born in, turn over any documents they may have.

10. In an effort to see when Obama's mother left the country and when she returned, the posse requested and received passenger manifests.  The data for the period of time they needed to check out had been deleted.  This is another area that needs investigating.

11. The Sheriff indicated that the investigation will continue and they will request that the Attorneys General office in Hawaii begin their own investigation into Obama's documentation.

12. They called on the President to order the state of Hawaii to release micro film and other birth documents as well as a record of anyone who has had contact with the documents to ensure they exist and have not been tampered with.

13. Arpaio stated the investigation is ongoing and will continue not only here in the States but will extend to a foreign country.

14. Also, relevant to and as a result of the investigation, the Cold Case Posse reported that they are in contact with an individual who has agreed to swear under oath that he was at a gathering where both Bill Ayers and Obama were and that Obama stated he was a "foreign student" and that Bill Ayers was helping him financially.

Bill Ayers, as you may recall, is the terrorist who Obama claimed during his campaign, was someone he hardly knew.  How many people that you "hardly know" paid for your college?

One other point of interest concerning Bill Ayers, it has been reported and he has admitted that he and his terrorist group were proficient at obtaining and using fraudulent Social Security numbers.  How very convenient, wouldn't you say?

For more details and information please refer to the documents and videos referenced above.

Please visit this great site regularly: TPATH

Obama Harvard Videos in 7 to 10 Days

Team Breitbart: We Are Going to Release the Obama Harvard Videos in 7 to 10 Days Pat Dollard: Breaking: Team Breitbart To Release Damaging, Potentially Election-Changing Obama Tapes In 7-10 Days...

Pennsylvania Ballot Challenge Dismissed: Obama Didn't Sign Candidate Affidavit Affirming NBC

Kerchner & Laudenslager v Obama PA Ballot Challenge Dismissed on Jurisdictional GroundsCommander Charles Kerchner Without reaching the merits of the challenge, Pennsylvania Judge Keith B. Quigley...

UPDATE: Watch Maricopa County Cold Case Posse Release Their Investigative Report

Join Article II Super PAC to Watch the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse Release Their Investigative Report "LIVE" Into Barack H. ObamaArticle II Super PAC Email Article II Super PAC's Multimedia...

  Sheriff Arpaio 030112 News Release


UNFORTUNATELY...for technical and logistical reasons, we were unable to publish updates re: the Sheriff Arpaio press conference yesterday afternoon as originally planned. However we will be posting a re-cap with a number of photos later today.

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012


The event begins 3:00 pm EST/1:00 pm MTN time and can be watched here:


Shock and Odd: The Experts Say; Vital Records Indicate Obama Not Born Hawaii Hospital

Shock and Odd: Vital Records Indicate Obama Not Born Hawaii VITAL RECORDS INDICATE OBAMA NOT BORN IN HAWAII HOSPITAL (PART 2)By Penbrook Johannson and Dan Crosby @ The Daily Pen SHOCK AND ODD –Along...



The event begins at 3:00 pm EST/1:00 pm MTN time and can be watched here:


The topic of discussion will be an investigation by Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse into concerns about Obama’s eligibility, the first time an official law enforcement report has addressed many of the allegations about the presumptive 2012 Democratic nominee for president.

Those issues include his eligibility under the U.S. Constitution’s requirements, questions about his use of a Connecticut Social Security number, the image of his purported birth certificate from Hawaii, and others.

Top national media organizations have indicated their plans to attend and bookings for radio and television reports are in the works. Expected are reporters from AP, Reuters, Univision, the Washington Times and NBC, CBS and ABC affiliates, as well statewide radio networks, among many others.

Because of the circumstances, the decision was made to hold the press conference at the sheriff’s training center, which is on the outskirts of Phoenix, rather than at a downtown office, according to reports.

It even has drawn the promise of protesters who object to the sheriff’s office review of allegations that Obama may be using – or attempt to use – a fraudulent document to have his name placed on the 2012 presidential election ballot in Arizona.
Without releasing any details, Arpaio has said the results “could be a shock.”
He constituted a special five-member law enforcement posse last year to investigate allegations brought by members of the Surprise, Ariz., Tea Party that the Obama birth certificate released to the public by the White House on April 27 might be a forgery.

The posse is made up of three former law enforcement officers and two retired attorneys with law enforcement experience. Members have been examining evidence since September concerning Obama’s eligibility to be president under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution, which requires a president to be a natural-born Citizen.

See what else is being done to ensure your Constitutional vote in 2012: www.ObamaBallotChallenge.com/
See history in the making. Be sure to get on the internet and join the live stream at 12:00 noon PST (3:00 pm EST) on Thursday, 1 March, 2012! Be part of history!


Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

"Cold Case Posse” to Hold Press Conference TOMORROW, March 1, on Obama’s Eligibility


Article II Super PAC's Multimedia team, Vattelevision, is on the ground in Phoenix. We are live streaming tomorrow's press conference with WND, and the Center for Western Journalism of the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse's release of their seven month long investigation into Barack H. Obama.

The event begins at 3:00 pm EST/1:00 pm MTN time and can be watched here:


Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email and inviting your friends to join Article II Super PAC, WND, The Center for Western Journalism and Vattelevision.

For those who wish to secure the written investigative summary please go to http://www.art2superpac.com/joe.html

We sincerely thank all of the Article II Super PAC donors for helping us make this opportunity possible. Without your continued support we couldn't bring such events to the public. Remember, our goal is to elevate this crisis from the netroots to the mainstream audience, and together we are achieving this goal. Every donation counts and is being put to good use. We will continue to make such efforts available to the public, but we can't continue to deliver such events without your continued financial support. Please consider making a donation today by clicking http://www.art2superpac.com/donate.html

With our warmest regards,
The Article II Super PAC Team

Helen Tansey
Article II Super PAC


Hawaii Attorney Schools Hawaii Department of Health and Vexatious Litigant on Hawaii Law

Hawaii Attorney Schools Hawaii Department of Healthand Vexatious Litigant on Hawaii Law and Procedure Sunahara v Fuddy(Hawaii-DOH) - Plaintiff's Memorandum in Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss...

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

How The Commerce Clause Will Be Used To Stuff ObamaCare Down Our Throats

barack obama52817 How The Commerce Clause Will Be Used To Stuff ObamaCare Down Our Throats
In 1942,one of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal Supreme Courts ruled that an Ohio farmer named Filburn was NOT permitted to raise the amount of wheat he wished on his own farm,for the purpose of feeding his own family. And for 70 years this and a handful of similar,overreaching decisions by the Court have resulted in the wholesale abuse of a power granted Congress in Article 1,Section 8 of the Constitution,namely the “Commerce Clause.”
In the Wickard v Filburn case,the Court opened to Congress the nearly unlimited power to exercise legislative authority relating to virtually ANYTHING Congress may define as “commerce among the several states.” The Ohio farmer had been fined $117 because he grew winter wheat in excess of the quantity permitted by quota in the Agricultural Adjustment Act.
And even though it was for use on his own farm,the Court decided that Filburn had violated the law,ruling that  through the Act,Congress had the power to create quotas which “…not only embrace all that may be sold without penalty but also what may be consumed on the premises.”  (my italics) The Court considered such sweeping authority to regulate a “…‘necessary and proper’ implementation of the power of Congress over interstate commerce.”
Over the years,Congress has claimed almost unlimited authority to create and defend legislation under its Commerce Clause powers by manufacturing increasingly fanciful connections between congressional action and commerce among the several states.
In 1995 for example,the government claimed before the Supreme Court that authority supporting the federal law against possession of a gun within 1000’ of a school was derived from the Commerce Clause,arguing that school violence would impact negatively on insurance rates and limit travel to an area considered unsafe,both having an effect on commerce!  On this occasion at least,  the Court did not buy into the governments strained assertions.
Yet it is upon the powers wielded by Congress under the Commerce Clause that Barack Hussein Obama is depending for a favorable Supreme Court ruling on the Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act–ObamaCare. The Department of Justice will argue that the federal government has the authority to force American citizens to purchase healthcare coverage mandated by ObamaCare and apply a penalty to those who do not because it has the power to regulate commerce. And the sale and purchase of insurance are commerce.
In response to the government’s assertions,the Liberty Legal Foundation has filed an Amicus (friend of the Court) brief with the Supreme Court pertaining to the ObamaCare-related,“Health and Human Services v Florida” case. But rather than claim the Commerce Clause does not provide the authority required to support Obama’s assault on the liberty of the American people,Liberty Legal argues that the Court should recognize and correct the error made by the 1942 Court and overturn the Wickard v Filburn decision.
For as Liberty Legal rightly points out,“Wickard was a direct cause of exponential growth in federal spending,decreased faith in Congress,shocking growth in federal regulations and loss of freedom in America..”
Oral arguments pertaining to ObamaCare will begin on March 26th and continue for a record 3 days. We already know how 4 members of the Court will decide,including Justice Kagan who reveals the left’s well-known class and respect for rules of proper behavior by her refusal to recuse herself from the case even though she literally helped pass the legislation!
It will be upon the honor of the remaining 5 members of the Court that the liberty of the American public will depend.
Please see the excellent work done on behalf of the American people by the Liberty Legal Foundation at: http://libertylegalfoundation.org/


Editorial by Dan Crosby

NEW YORK, NY - While preparing the second part of our investigative report on the statistical examination of the contents of the image of Obama's alleged 1961 "Certificate of Live Birth", there are a few things we need to be reminded of about this contemptible, overemphasized record.

Lt. Colonel, Dr. Terry Lakin, willingly sacrificed his unblemished 20-year military career and served prison time by rightfully refusing deployment orders when Obama refused to provide it.

Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of multiple investigative best sellers and nemesis to John Kerry’s mendacious attempt at the 2004 U.S. presidency, published yet another best seller because Obama refused to provide it.

A State of Georgia administrative law court convened a hearing over it.

Arizona law enforcment and investigative personnel are preparing to issue a formal report over it.

Before all this, Hillary Clinton “PUMA” supporters started the "birther" movement during the 2008 Primary campaign when Obama refused to provide it.

Former Philadelphia Deputy District Attorney and life-long registered Democrat, Philip Berg filed a lawsuit in August of 2008 because Obama refused to provide it.

“…Natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights…The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children…in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen...”

Senate Resolution 511 affirming John McCain’s presidential eligibility was debated and unanimously passed based on a definition of natural-born parentage which his opponent did not possess, after Congressional senators refused to demand it.

Congressional representatives tried eight times to change the Constitution by removing the Natural-born citizenship clause of Article II between 2004 and 2008 when they couldn’t find it.

Former senior Hawaii elections clerk, Tim Adams, in charge of verifying voter eligibility, with access to national and international identity verification databases, as well as hospital records, was told to stop asking about it because it, apparently, didn’t exist.

Seven different reporters from four newspapers in Hawaii, and a national radio host, could not find it, yet that same media repelled inquiries for years claiming that Hawaii’s health department could not provide it. 

WND TV to live-stream Arpaio eligibility report
March 1 news conference to announce findings of 1st official probe
World Net Daily

PHOENIX, Ariz. – When Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio announces the findings of the first official law-enforcement investigation into the questions surrounding Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility for office at a news conference Thursday, March 1, WND TV will be there to provide exclusive live-streaming, founder and editor Joseph Farah announced today.

In addition, WND will make available to the public, the same day by e-mail, the official report distributed to media by Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse.” Those interested in receiving the report can sign up for the free service between now and the March 1 press conference.

“When I took this mission on, I took it on to possibly be able to clear the president,” Arpaio said during a speech in Maricopa County. “I was doing him a favor. We’ll see what happens.”

Arpaio has kept the results of the investigation close to the vest, but suggested in a speech Tuesday that new information would be revealed.

“I don’t have press conferences just to get my name on television. When I have a press conference, I talk about something,” Arpaio said. “I had about 250 tea party people, to sign a petition . . . came to me and asked their sheriff to investigate Obama and the birth certificate. So what should I do? Throw it in the waste basket and forget it like everybody else has done?”

The comments drew applause from the crowd, which was assembled to hear both Arpaio and presidential candidate Rick Santorum.


The WND TV live-streaming event is also made possible through the support of the Western Center for Journalism and Article II Super PAC.

Other sponsorships are welcome. Please contact marketing@wnd.com.


SHERIFF JOE LIVE-STREAM VIDEO AVAILABLE HERE: http://www.art2superpac.com/joe.html

ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY FACTS HERE: http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html

Obama's Attorney Files Motion to Dismiss: Obama Being Harassed; Ignores Natural Born Citizen

Obama's Georgia Attorney Files Motion to Dismiss: Obama Being Harassed;Ignores Natural Born Citizen Requirement Excerpted from Jablonski's Brief in Support of Respondent’s(Obama) Motion to Dismiss: The...

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Attorney Mario Apuzzo of Jamesburg NJ to Join Pennsylvania Ballot Access Challenge Team

Constitutional Article II Expert Atty Mario Apuzzo of 
Jamesburg NJ to Join PA Ballot Access Challenge Team
Commander Charles Kerchner 

Atty Mario Apuzzo of Jamesburg NJ has filed documents to the Commonwealth Court of PA to join the Kerchner/Laudenslager v Obama PA Ballot Access Challenge Team as Co-Counsel along with Atty Karen L. Kiefer of Scottdale PA.

See this prior interview for some background and information about Atty Mario Apuzzo:

You can read Atty Apuzzo’s legal and scholarly writings on Article II Section 1, the presidential eligibility clause at these links:

CONTINUED HERE: http://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2012/02/27/constitutional-article-ii-expert-atty-mario-apuzzo-of-jamesburg-nj-to-join-pa-ballot-access-challenge-team

PENNSYLVANIA BALLOT CHALLENGE UPDATES: http://www.art2superpac.com/paballot.html

ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY FACTS HERE: http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html