Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

"Cold Case Posse” to Hold Press Conference TOMORROW, March 1, on Obama’s Eligibility


Article II Super PAC's Multimedia team, Vattelevision, is on the ground in Phoenix. We are live streaming tomorrow's press conference with WND, and the Center for Western Journalism of the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse's release of their seven month long investigation into Barack H. Obama.

The event begins at 3:00 pm EST/1:00 pm MTN time and can be watched here:


Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email and inviting your friends to join Article II Super PAC, WND, The Center for Western Journalism and Vattelevision.

For those who wish to secure the written investigative summary please go to http://www.art2superpac.com/joe.html

We sincerely thank all of the Article II Super PAC donors for helping us make this opportunity possible. Without your continued support we couldn't bring such events to the public. Remember, our goal is to elevate this crisis from the netroots to the mainstream audience, and together we are achieving this goal. Every donation counts and is being put to good use. We will continue to make such efforts available to the public, but we can't continue to deliver such events without your continued financial support. Please consider making a donation today by clicking http://www.art2superpac.com/donate.html

With our warmest regards,
The Article II Super PAC Team

Helen Tansey
Article II Super PAC

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