Senin, 20 Februari 2012


Gluttony is a dominating factor in all things Obama

Booing the Gluttony of the Obamas

- Judi McLeod  Sunday, February 19, 2012
(22) Comments

Michelle Obama and her two daughters off skiing in Colorado this long President Day weekend has nothing to do with health and fresh air, nor even to show sports prowess on the slopes.
The Colorado ski trip is just another demoralizing campaign tactic.

You’re at home hoping homemade biscuits will stretch the Sunday’s roast chicken dinner to feed visiting relatives while the exhilaration of powdered snow is painting Happy Faces on the ">women in Obama’s life.
Women is what Obama wants you to think this presidential campaign is all about.
All communication from the Obama regime portrays Republicans as deliberately forcing women back to the Beaver Cleavers of the 1950s when the male-inspired dictate of the day ostensibly was: “No birth control for you, Miss Alice.”
All male chauvinist pigs are Republican according to the Democrats’ latest smear campaign.

Gluttony is a dominating factor in all things Obama.
From his introduction from DNC fake Greek columns, Obama and later his unelected hippy czars made the 40%-plus of people who support the man whose main mission is the Fundamental Transformation of America, gluttons for punishment.  These are the gluttons who cannot live without their food stamps and free telephones; those gullible enough to believe they will be bailed out of their mortgage responsibilities in much the same way as the too-big-to-fail General Motors was bailed out of its financial responsibilities to become the failed Government Motors.
The Obama family are gluttons.  Gluttons for bling, gluttons of spite, and gluttons for attention.
In three and a half years, the gluttony for bling hasn’t stopped.  The gluttony for spite has been a lifetime pursuit for Mama and Papa Obama, beginning when they managed to drag long simmering class warfare out of the south side of Chicago to spread across the fruited plains.
Nothing speaks louder or is more demanding than the Obama’s outright gluttony for attention.
Their gluttony for attention could be treated in the same commonsense way of Alcoholics Anonymous, who tell the loved ones and friends of alcoholics:  “As soon as it is safe to do so, walk away from the alcoholic who depends on a captive audience.”
The Obamas are not just merely ducking duty by disappearing from responsibility with once-a-month vacations from the White House.  Nor is the main problem their pathological laziness or hedonism.  It’s their spite-fueled hatred of all little people against them: decent, hard working Americans trying to hold it together—even in the face of state-imposed Marxism.
People should hope for the best but expect the worst about the November 6 election.  They should be preparing themselves emotionally and financially for the possibility of—dare we say it?—Soetoro-Obama’s reelection.
Barry Soetoro, who made it all the way to the White House straight off Chicago streets, has all the cards stacked on his side: the cheating skills of well-funded groups like ACORN under all of its new names, 46 million on food stamps; 12 million, and growing, free telephone users able to be texted and emailed by Obama’s campaign round-the-clock;  absolute control of the mainstream media, and control of the Internet without even having to shut it down.
If Obama is not convinced all of the above will reelect him, he will rely on anarchy to impose martial law and suspend elections.
This is why all who put family survival above Marxist politics should be preparing now for life post November 6, 2012.  (More on that in a future column).
Even as Barry-Barack continues to tap golf balls with that downright smarmy smile on his face; even as the stardust covers Michelle’s perpetually photographed upper arms in the form of powdered snow, signs of hope and change are waiting in the not-too-distant future.
The day will come when, rather than stand back while Obama’s motorcade is parked in front of your hometown’s ‘Hamburger Heaven’ or ice cream shoppe, crowds will boo at their first sight of the First Family.
That day will come not only because feisty patriots will only put up with so much spite, but because in real life booing the Bad Guy is only Human Nature.

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