Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

The Obama Ballot Challenges: A Crisis of Confidence
By Monte Kuligowski @ American Thinker

Just a few months ago, FOX News reported on polling data which suggested that "[i]f Americans could cast a 'confidence' vote in the style of European parliaments, President Barack Obama would not fare well. A 56-percent majority would give his administration a vote of 'no confidence.'"

Ample evidence abounds for Americans to have no confidence that the economic justice activist-turned-politician is working out for the good of the country. Even at the most fundamental level, doubt remains as to whether the man occupying the White House is constitutionally eligible for the job.

There are two factors causing lingering doubts. The first is based upon Obama's secrecy in refusing to release relevant records for inspection and authentication. The second is that the Supreme Court needs to rule on the application of the Constitution's requirement, "natural born citizen," with respect to Barack Hussein Obama II.

Obama's bizarre secrecy

Numerous polls have confirmed that a significant number of Americans have doubts concerning the apparent birthplace of Obama. CBS News reported on April 21, 2011 that only one in four Americans believe that Obama was born in the United States.

After abruptly "releasing" an elusive birth certificate on April 27, 2011 (previously pronounced to be non-existent) -- after more than three years of stonewalling -- doubts still remain. Gallup reported that even after the infamous internet posting ceremony and sermon, those willing to say Obama was "definitely born in U.S." rose only nine percent, from 38 percent to 47 percent.

Recently, Public Policy Polling revealed that 51% of Republican primary voters have doubts over the venue of Obama's birth.

That's a sizable and entirely unnecessary problem.

Any doubt over presidential eligibility is unacceptable. The American people shouldn't have to "believe" that Obama is constitutionally eligible. Trust is for gods; skepticism and verification is for politicians.

The recent development of the state ballot challenges represents the right of the people to remove the doubt. Petitioners are demanding that evidence that meets the standard of courtroom admissibility, if it does exist, be produced to confirm Obama's eligibility.

If Obama is not willing to be completely transparent, then he should step down. To the bewilderment of his sycophants, the cloud of skepticism hanging over Obama's head is commensurate to his unique background, not his skin color. No one doubted the eligibility of Jesse Jackson, Alan Keyes, Al Sharpton, or Herman Cain.

Doubt remains because, legally speaking, Obama hasn't "released" anything. To meet a basic legal standard of evidentiary competence and admissibility, certified paper copies must be produced, and the original document in Hawaii must be made available for the states.

Rather than produce irrefutable evidence, Obama posted a "highly suspicious" image of a birth certificate on the internet.

Curiously (or maybe not so curiously), Obama refuses to produce certified copies and release the original for inspection and authentication. As with the case of the Certification of Live Birth document that the Daily Kos somehow obtained and posted online in 2008, Obama originals are reportedly inspected by "credible people" behind closed doors at the discretion of Obama.

The first factor causing doubt could be resolved immediately by Obama, if he were to have a conversion to transparency -- or if he could be forced to produce.

The doubts caused by foreign parentage

CONTINUED HERE: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/02/the_obama_ballot_challenges_a_crisis_of_confidence.html

ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY FACTS HERE: http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html

Flier/Handout - Obama Not a Natural Born Citizen with Venn Diagram - Support Art2SuperPAC

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