Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Total Depravity At Occupy Wall Street

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For quite some time,Dana Loesch,Andrew Brietbart,and others at his various websites have tracked rape,drug sales,and other crimes that have proliferated within the Occupy movement.   Besides urination and defecation occurring in the streets of New York, John Nolte of has a list of over 400 acts of vandalism,sexual assault,drug trafficking,and other crimes that has grabbed little to no attention amongst the members of the liberal media.
When the Tea Party were protesting the gross size of government with its out of control spending two years ago,the media lambasted us for being radical right wingers.  Of all the nonsensical criticisms thrown against us,the worst one was the allegation of racism.  Liberals in the media seized on an infamous incident in which Congressmen John Lewis and Andre Carson allegedly had the “n-word”thrown at them by Tea Party protestors during a rally against Obamacare.  However,upon closer evidence it appears no racial epithets were ever hurtled at the congressmen.  Yet,when acts of violence and radicalism erupted with the Occupy movement,the media remained mostly silent.
In Portland,an occupier threatened a woman with arson.  Ryan Komosinski threatened to blow up the Fort Myers Police Department.  Anthony J. Williams,of the Occupy Augusta,protest was arrested for threatening a man with a knife.  In Chicago,some Occupiers went under the microscope of the FBI for ties to terrorism. Did such acts of violence occur at Tea Party gatherings? The liberal media wishes these things occurred with our movement, but it has been concentrated with the left.  Furthermore,Occupy has started to attract some rather interesting participants in recent months.
Neo-Nazis patrolled an Occupy Phoenix gathering.  The American Nazi Party has endorsed their mission to fight the “Judeo-capitalist bankers.” A registered sex offender listed the Occupy Portland camp grounds as his residence.  We should all be disturbed that Nazis,sex offenders,and alleged terrorists have sleepovers with the Occupiers,but what absolutely disgusts me are the ever growing number of sexual assaults.
Occupy Baltimore actually discouraged victims to report their rapes to the police and offered “counseling”for the rapists in question.  The same policy of discouraging police involvement is also prevalent in Portland. At Occupy Dallas,a fourteen year old girl was sexually assaulted,while across the country,in Occupy Cleveland,a nineteen year old protestor not only claimed she was raped,but was assigned to a tent with her future perpetrator named “Leland.” A young girl is assigned to a tent with a guy she doesn’t know.  If this does not raise flags concerning Occupy’s horrible protection of women within this movement,I don’t know what else does.  While liberals smear the conservatives for engaging in a “war on women,”they should look to the ever growing campaign of rape within Occupy Wall Street.  A movement some of the left in congress endorsed,including Nancy Pelosi who,in an email for the DCCC,hoped to get 100,000 signatures supporting their efforts. It’s an absolute disgrace.
Even more disturbing is the denial of rape within Occupy’s various tent cities from prominent liberal blowhard Keith Olbermann.  The political left is caught up in this mindset that these people are promoting a truly democratic society,so they couldn’t possibly be engaging in such depraved human behavior.   The problem is anything can happen when your movement becomes a motley crew of extremists.  In short,the liberal attempt at their “Tea Party”has utterly failed.  While I can tolerate the political endorsement from the American Nazi Party,the campaign of political violence,sexual assault,and Occupy’s attempts to obstruct authorities from properly investigating the crime is inexcusable.  The collective paranoia about letting police into the various camps to investigate the accusations only makes me more suspicious about the illegality occurring within Occupy.  It is because of this that they should be labeled the scum of the earth.

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