Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

“Live Free Or Die:This Is New Hampshire,No (Voting) ID Required”

Okeefevotingfraud 150x150 Live Free Or Die:This Is New Hampshire,No (Voting) ID Required
Conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe and his colleagues at Project Veritas have done it again.  Their new bombshell video shows election workers in New Hampshire giving out ballots in the names of dead voters at multiple voting precincts during the state’s recent primary election. Although James and his colleagues repeatedly asked if they needed to show their ID,they were told by every single poll worker that that was not necessary. Some said that they were expressly forbidden from asking for ID. In fact,one worker had the audacity to say “Live free or die. This is New Hampshire,no ID required.”Watch the video below.
Here’s the background of what has been going on:Conservatives in the New Hampshire legislature passed a voter ID bill to prevent this kind of abuse,but Democratic Governor John Lynch vetoed the bill.  Lynch claimed that there was no evidence that voting fraud could or was being perpetrated in New Hampshire;however,O’Keefe and his intrepid band of investigators have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that that statement is simply false.
Now generally,fewer laws are better than more laws.  However,in this case,the one passed by New Hampshire is necessary to protect our sacred right to vote.
If you buy alcohol or cigarettes,you might have to show ID. If you want to cash a check at a bank,you will have to show ID. If you want to see an R-rated movie,you might have to show ID. Most times when I need to show ID,I do not mind doing so because I have nothing to hide. This is not an invasion of my privacy by any stretch of the imagination.  It really should not be an issue especially when you are voting in an election.
The left makes absolutely no sense when arguing against the need for Voter ID laws. All they can do is,without a shred of evidence,say that these laws somehow discriminate against “minorities”. The truth is,these laws only discriminate against criminal fraud.
Naturally,anytime you show establishment failure,someone has to pay. Encouraged by liberal groups such as the website Daily Kos, New Hampshire’s Democrat Governor and Attorney General are now exploring ways to come after James O’Keefe and Project Veritas,rather than switch gears to support the Republican voter ID law. All because these “troublemakers”exposed a corrupt,inherently flawed system.
There was a time when the Republican Party had a ballot security program and put a lot of effort into purging voter lists of dead,moved,and inactive voters.  Today,those efforts are all too often cast aside in the name of political correctness,and it is left to trust that machine politicians won’t commit outright fraud in order to win by allowing dead people and others who are not eligible to cast a ballot to vote anyway.
Liberals want to taint any discussion of ballot security with charges of racism and minority voter suppression. Nevertheless,what James and Project Veritas did was to show conclusively that what liberals are really doing is perpetuating an election system that invites fraud.
James O’Keefe and his team of young grassroots conservatives used new technology and chutzpa to show that the need for ballot security is as strong as ever and that the Chicago-way of winning elections is alive and well.
They are filling an important void in the ballot security process by showing that where voter ID requirements are lax,dead people can indeed vote.  Conservatives should be ready to defend O’Keefe against the inevitable liberal backlash and the legal harassment that is sure to come with it.
Those trying to re-elect President Obama,such as the convicted vote fraudsters from the old ACORN organization and those of Obama’s national campaign operatives who were trained by the notorious Chicago political machine,won’t hesitate to use vote fraud to win this election.  James and Project Veritas have done,and are doing,something about it – the liberal media is doing its best to spike this story;conservatives must now shine a spotlight on their efforts.
I urge you to take a minute to consider how important ballot security is in the 2012 election and how fragile are our voting protections.
It is important to keep in mind that at the end of the day,this is not about right vs. left;it is about right vs. wrong.
If you happen to live in New Hampshire,please contact your state representatives and demand that they attempt to pass this voter ID law again. The legislature has no excuse,as the Republicans have a veto-proof majority;they could go over the Democratic governor’s head anytime if they wanted,as they have in the past. If you know anyone who lives in New Hampshire,have them lobby their legislators.
All Americans should do some research to determine if their state has a similar voter ID law in place. If not,they should demand that their respective legislature puts one on the books as soon as possible. If it can happen in New Hampshire,it can happen anywhere in the US. The future of our country is at stake.

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