Senin, 20 Februari 2012

With God’s grace, perhaps the American people can find one judge who has the guts to do what needs to be done: order that Hussein Obama cannot be our president. So, with this mission in mind, along with other patriots, I pledge my sacred honor to file as many lawsuits as are necessary, in as many states as seem prudent, to try to find this one judge who will help us save the nation and the world.

Attorney Larry Klayman Vows Legal Action to Declare Obama Ineligible for Presidency

1 judge who can save America
Exclusive: Larry Klayman vows legal action to declare Obama ineligible for presidency
Larry Klayman Esq., @ WND

As it now stands, with Republican presidential candidates seen as weak and damaged, it is likely that Barack Hussein Obama will be re-elected in 2012. Not that Romney, Santorum and Gingrich would be the solution to the nation’s ills – indeed, “We the People” must roll up our sleeves and wage a second American revolution as I have written many times – but the Republicans who could win – Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee – are not likely to step forward to bail out the Grand Old Party. They have regrettably put political calculations ahead of the country’s interests and are waiting until 2016, when there will be no sitting incumbent president to run against, to likely make their move. But by that time the nation will be nearly destroyed.

America is in dire straits. Our economy, whatever the few “good economic indicators” Hussein Obama has been recently crowing about, continues to sink under a mountain of growing debt. The morals and ethics of our people are at an all-time low, furthered by the low-class “permissiveness” espoused by the leftist media, and our national security hangs in the balance.

As only one example, our most important ally, Israel, is being hung out to dry – forced to go it alone in attacking the Islamic Republic of Iran and eliminating the existential nuclear threat of this radical terrorist state, so bent on the destruction of not only the Jewish people, but Christians as well. The sanctions put in place at the insistence of Hussein Obama and his compromised secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, will not in the end deter the mullahs in Tehran and are only an excuse not to take strong decisive military action. The reality is that the Israelis cannot take out the Iranian nuclear sites alone. They do not have the large long-range planes and enough bunker-busting bombs to do the job by themselves. Once these radical neo-Nazi Islamic terrorists get their hands on atomic bombs, with the means to deliver them intercontinentally, the United States will also be under constant threat of attack. Unlike the North Koreans, the mullahs are happy to risk dying for their faux god, Allah. That is their sick Muslim faith, and that is their destiny. Much like Adolf Hitler, they have told us just exactly what they intend to do. A second Holocaust, this time one that “gets the job done fully,” is their fanatical religious mission.

It comes as no surprise Hussein Obama is ignoring Israeli cries for help. Born to a Muslim Kenyan father who hated America, and himself historically close to black Muslim leaders like Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, Hussein Obama instinctively and viscerally despises Jews and Christians, no matter how he pretended to believe in Judeo-Christian principles as the “Manchurian Candidate.” Indeed, during the run-up to the 2008 presidential elections, when former Clinton White House communications director and then ABC commentator George Stephanopoulos asked Hussein Obama about his religion, he referred to his Muslim roots. Stephanopoulos then broke in, showing his Democratic allegiances, interrupting Hussein Obama to “remind” him that he really meant “Christian.”



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